
Two art shows I have not seen (yet)

Melanie Bonajo, Evolution, 2012, C-print
I have always believed in Melanie Bonajo's superstar quality. She's just that kind of girl. Her work, that balances humour and dead seriousness, consists of photography, installations and performances. It's playful and thought provoking and, well - completely unique. Bonajo's exhibition One Question, Three Rooms, 44 Possible Answers is on view at P.P.O.W. in New York. Interview wrote a niece little piece on it on their website, read it here.

In another part of Earth, Nicoline van Harskamp just opened her solo exhibition Yours in Solidarity in art space NASA in Amsterdam (formerly SMART Project Space). The title of this post might have tipped you off, but just so you know: I have not seen this exhibition yet. But I am going to, and if there's any truth in the things people say on Twitter, then you should too. Read more about Van Harskamp's exhibition here.

Melanie Bonajo, One Question, Three Rooms, 44 Possible Answers
P.P.O.W., New York
Feb 28 - Mar 30

Nicoline van Harskamp, Yours in Solidarity
NASA, Amsterdam
Mar 10 – May 19

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